Garden Healing

Join us at Freedom Harvest Farms on Mondays.
The gates are open all day as we heal together.

Garden Healing is simple: I have found my healing place in The Garden. I want to share it with you. That’s it.

Are you truly ready to change everything to let go of that control and begin your healing journey?

It's a scary question because, while many feel that they should, we often simply have no idea where to even begin. And that fear has, so often, led us into directions that never lead us where we want to be. That leads us right back into distracting ourselves from the healing journey that we truly are seeking.

So it begins here! It begins with letting go. It begins with saying you’re worthy of healing.

Garden Healing is a place where you can begin. I hope you are willing to join me in my healing journey

Garden Healing at Freedom Harvest Farms

Join me in Garden Healing

The Gate is Open on Mondays

There may be some random Monday that we can’t get together so if you are coming out for the first time, make sure that you let me know and I’ll confirm our time together.

Times vary through the year based on the season, but, currently, the gates will be open from 8 AM-5 PM.

What is the Day’s ‘Schedule’?

The Garden’s method of healing IS NOT RIGID so Garden Healing IS NOT RIGID. It is a free-flowing day of community. Come out and visit and all your questions will be answered.

The gate will be open from 8 AM-5 PM. You can join us for an hour. You can join us all day. You can join us to simply see what we’re up to and then decide whether to come back another time.

  • At some point in the day, there will be a time for meditation.

  • At some point in the day, there will be garden time that will never exceed your physical limits.

  • All day, there will be fresh air, sunshine, friends engaged in judgment-free conversation, access to the farm’s animals, and a place to heal.

Lunch Every Week

Lunch will always be at noon. Lunch is a BYO, but know that I’ll always have ploughman’s lunch-style, farm-fresh food available. You don’t have to bring anything…but you can. You don’t have to eat…but you can.

Farm Store

When I’m in an overflow of abundance, my Farm Store will be open with farm-fresh products. Vegetables, eggs, honey, preserved farm products, and more.

Bring Your Camera!

The farm has unlimited photo opportunities including fantastic bird watching, our longhorns, pigs, rabbits, chickens, sheep, the pond, and many gardens.